Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tea Party vs. #Occupy in One Word:

"Civilization". The Tea Party was dissatisfied with the status quo, with politicians ignoring them and ignoring the Constitution. They assembled peacefully, stated their goals and worked to change the system from within.

The #Occupy movement is dissatisfied with the status quo, but is given to violence and vandalism. Incidents of robbery, rape and sexual assault have risen in every city and area with an Occupy Anarchy mob.

The Tea Party is the essence of civilization. They rally around an ideal and ideas and seek to change the process at the voting booth. They meet to encourage one another and then go home. Parks where Tea Party rallies were held never had to be cleaned out with a bulldozer.

#Occupy defies police, shuts down businesses, commits acts of vandalism. Just today, I saw pictures of graffiti defacing buildings in Oakland. Smashed ATM screens, broken windows in banks and even the leftie favorite Whole Foods was not immune from the wrath of the mob. They do not seek to debate as much as demand, vote as much as vandalize, restructure as much as riot.

Is it civilized to protest a bank's policy by dumping human waste in a bank lobby? Is it civilized to defecate on a police car? Break windows?? Smash ATM machines??? Today, in my humble opinion, in joining with the occupiers to shut down the port of Oakland, the unions have made a political miscalculation out of desperation. Their membership is in decline and whatever political clout they have is granted them through the policies of the Democrat party. But the unions, like Obama and other Democrats, are hitching their wagon to a movement of miscreants, vandals and malcontents, of lawlessness and licentiousness. Not civilization.

When the time comes to replace the current lot of politicians in Washington (and beyond) next November, will the voters identify with civilized protest or with the occupiers of anarchy? We know that Obama is desperate, because he cannot run on his abysmal record. I suppose the unions are so dependent on the Democrat party that their only hope is to sink or swim with Obama and the lawless.

Good luck with that.

More at Michelle Malkin, Memeorandum, More images here.

Cross posted at LCR, Say Anything.

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